Friday, December 30, 2011
The New Prop Infection 2012
First Off Happy New Year to you all.
Many People have been asking? when can we see some new props. Now I would loved to start showing all these new wonderful props we have.However we live in a world of copycats and there's nothing more important to me then to keep my idea's mine. So starting Feb 8th 2012 i will start showing prop images to you all on Facebook and Via Emails sent from our Mailing List.
Click above mailing list to join
we also send special discount codes and news to people on our mailing listed so it is worth joining.
we will start showing these items on Febuary 8th and also start a blog with video called the road to transworld which will show behind the scene video of us getting ready for the 2012 transworld show.
which will show props, meetings for transworld, travel and designing the booth.
We have started working on our killer props for the 2012 killer line...Gotta start thinking homicidal
we have plenty of surprises and innovation for our props that will change the way you view static Halloween props forever.
Until Next time
Keep it Creepy
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Creepy Collection News Dec 15th 2011..
December 15th 2011
First Off Merry Xmas to all...
NEW PROPS COUNTS OFF TO FEVERISH START 2012 New Haunted House Prop Counts continue to rise. As of today we are Near 50 New Haunted House Props for 2012 season. 20 new Zombie horde props, 11 New Life Size Scary Clown Props 11 New Deadly Doll Props, 3 New Life Size Killers, 2 New Clown Heads , 2 New Cut off heads. and there is still 3 months to Transwolrd. We expect to bring some where in the ball park of 200 - 250 New Props to Transworld this season.
Speaking of Transworld 2012. Our Booth number is 1131. So you can come by and check out all the new items in our new 20 X 20 Booth. Its gonna be a massive display of items. is the Main Sponsor of rotting flesh radio.
In August 2011 Became as the Main Sponsor of one of the best pod cast shows Rotting Flesh Radio. Now the show has not been playing since Sept due to Health reasons by the Host. Host owner Johnathan Johnson is making a healthy recovery and we should have a New RFR coming this week.Although you haven't heard on RFR the creepycollection main sponsorship will start on the new RFR. We look forward to sit back and rot away real soon.
Creepy Collection Sale is still on.
As of today have 16 days to take advantage of our 20% off coupon on our site.
Any prop purchase over $500.00 or more you get the 20 off.
IMDB Credits Given to Jeremy D'alessandro for his work on Camp Dead.
Back in 2002 Jeremy did some make up work, Set work, Acting work . One a B movie called Camp Dead. This is Long before Creepycollection started. Some of the scence from the movie we shot on location at jeremy's first haunted house The Zombie Xtreme in seaside heights nj.
The Movie was released Sept 2011
The Movie was produced by FNS Productions and Evil Kat Productions
You can get a copy of the film on
Monday, December 5, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
A Look A head For 2012 Halloween. Zombie Props !
So the big question on everyone's mind is New Props for next year. Well I am going to chat a little each week on It. This week are ZOMBIES! 2012 the doomsday year. What better way to do a haunted house then with the Zombie Apocalypse . Its almost asking for it.
Our zombie props in 2009 had a very fleshy fresh kill kind of feel to them ( Stage ). Same in 2010. 2011 they started getting darker. they started taking on a new look of decay.
This season (2012) there darker , Meaner, More Realistic then any other year's zombie horde i ever made. Each new zombie i make not only blows the mind of my staff but mine as well. The Eyes & Teeth are most important feature for our Horde. and we spend lots of time upgraded those features as well as other features for this coming year.
I Invite you all to look for yourself in the days ahead. Once we start releasing images of them.
I think you will love where I took the horde this year coming for 2012.
You can see below a stage description for the stages of zombies
Here are the stages of zombies
Stage one Zombie - Fresh blood and skin tone looks like a persons just deader
Stage two zombie - Darken eyes more bloody coming out of face.
Stage Three zombie - darkening skin darker blood more rot.
Stage four Zombie - close to walking corpse bones and skeleton showing threw skin.
You can view more Zombies at
Thank you
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Halloween prop Life Size NEW Unholy holly Free Standing
This was probably one prop that was one of the most sought after Budget/Yard Haunter props of 2011.
She Came late in the season and we were to busy at that point to push making more of her. I cant recall any other prop that received so many request on Ebay .
There will be more of her in new versions for 2012. Animatronic and Life size Bodies also a deluxe standing one as well to feed your possessed needs!
The Budget Prop can be ordered now
Monday, November 28, 2011
Why Does It Take time to Make Great Props!
First off Hello thanks for checking out our Blogges.
Why Does it take so much time to make great props?
I want to make sure every single prop that is ordered goes out with the most detail it can get on it.
I want to match the detail i know you will put into your haunted house. slapping blood and paint on a prop is the same as just slapping paint and blood on all your walls. You want to impress your customers when they walk threw your haunted house. Well same goes here but we also have to impress you. A Haunter someone that has seen it all before. Well i know that when i am doing a haunt, i put my heart and soul in it. Countless hours detailing sets to make them look at feel real. So its that same idea that goes into every single creepy prop we make no matter what the price of the prop.
Yes it may take some time to get your prop but hell it takes sometime to make a haunted house doesn't it. I want to make sure when you open your box you get that feeling of Christmas morning. The same feeling that when i go in a haunted house and seeing it all come together.
Could i rush an Order Of course, do i like it NO!
Picture this- If you and me were building a House would we rush construction slapping on brick after brick going as fast as we can to get it up. It would not be made very well and would collapse.
Same applies to props we want to hand layer each brick and let it dry. Look at it. make sure its the best it can be.
Whens the best time to order ?
Nov - Apirl
I can spend time detailing your props and your in no rush because its not Halloween season
But Understand March can be a month of huge amounts of orders that come in and could take 3 to 5 months to get all those order out. so if you order in march you may be in a very long Que line.
One thing i would not do is Half Ass a Haunted House Nor A Haunted House Prop for the sake of making a buck.
See you all at transworld haunt show
our booth is 1131
take care jerry
Why Does it take so much time to make great props?
I want to make sure every single prop that is ordered goes out with the most detail it can get on it.
I want to match the detail i know you will put into your haunted house. slapping blood and paint on a prop is the same as just slapping paint and blood on all your walls. You want to impress your customers when they walk threw your haunted house. Well same goes here but we also have to impress you. A Haunter someone that has seen it all before. Well i know that when i am doing a haunt, i put my heart and soul in it. Countless hours detailing sets to make them look at feel real. So its that same idea that goes into every single creepy prop we make no matter what the price of the prop.
Yes it may take some time to get your prop but hell it takes sometime to make a haunted house doesn't it. I want to make sure when you open your box you get that feeling of Christmas morning. The same feeling that when i go in a haunted house and seeing it all come together.
Could i rush an Order Of course, do i like it NO!
Picture this- If you and me were building a House would we rush construction slapping on brick after brick going as fast as we can to get it up. It would not be made very well and would collapse.
Same applies to props we want to hand layer each brick and let it dry. Look at it. make sure its the best it can be.
Whens the best time to order ?
Nov - Apirl
I can spend time detailing your props and your in no rush because its not Halloween season
But Understand March can be a month of huge amounts of orders that come in and could take 3 to 5 months to get all those order out. so if you order in march you may be in a very long Que line.
One thing i would not do is Half Ass a Haunted House Nor A Haunted House Prop for the sake of making a buck.
See you all at transworld haunt show
our booth is 1131
take care jerry
Monday, November 21, 2011
FINAL DAYS OF THE PROP DROP ! and Black friday and cyber monday sales
How time fly's. What started on Oct 25th is in its final week, The Prop Drop. Don"t miss your chance to get some of the best haunted house / Halloween props at the best prices. 20-30 % off everything.
This sale of wide spread products sale wont be seen again till March at the Transworld Show. Now is your chance to get yours !
Also we will have some select sales on products for black Friday and cyber Monday.
Please check starting friday at 12am till Monday At 11:59 pm
and Have a great thanksgiving!
This sale of wide spread products sale wont be seen again till March at the Transworld Show. Now is your chance to get yours !
Also we will have some select sales on products for black Friday and cyber Monday.
Please check starting friday at 12am till Monday At 11:59 pm
and Have a great thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Creepy Props News 11-16-2011 Were on a Roll!
First Off Let me Say Hello To All.
Right now the new props are coming to life one after the other. So far to date there is 30 new props created and we have at least 4 more months of new props to go. So if your doing the math that means there is gonna be plenty New fresh and amazing props.
Right now Its Zombies , Zombies And more zombies here at creepy as well as some clowns , dolls and killers being made all new for 2012.
Also or Prop Drop After sales is in full effect. We have discounted Halloween props and haunted house props and animatronics thats till nov 25th 2011
- Also Our booth for the national haunted house and Halloween show has been booked our booth number is 1131. Its a huge booth and we will have props , animatronics as well as some other HUGE surprises down the road.
Right now the new props are coming to life one after the other. So far to date there is 30 new props created and we have at least 4 more months of new props to go. So if your doing the math that means there is gonna be plenty New fresh and amazing props.
Right now Its Zombies , Zombies And more zombies here at creepy as well as some clowns , dolls and killers being made all new for 2012.
Also or Prop Drop After sales is in full effect. We have discounted Halloween props and haunted house props and animatronics thats till nov 25th 2011
- Also Our booth for the national haunted house and Halloween show has been booked our booth number is 1131. Its a huge booth and we will have props , animatronics as well as some other HUGE surprises down the road.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Why Zombies? in your Haunted House & Halloween Props to help raise the sales
First off Did ya notice that the Walking Dead season 2 premiere smashed records for any TV show Premier in the History of cable Show's. If that don't speak like a load mega phone. People want zombies.
so as i see it. All the Witches, Goblins, Ghouls, Vampires and Frankenstein are really out of fashion and not in tune with what people are looking for.
FYI- I hate clown's However we make some of the greatest looking clown props. Why? because people want clowns and so do Haunted Houses. Now it wouldn't be smart if i only build zombies and dead people because there's customers out there with 100% clown haunted Attractions. so that's why i may not like using clowns in a haunted house However i know people do so i make sure we have them for them Same Applies for your Attraction build attractions people want not what you think is good.
So if you notice a drop in your admissions maybe you should ask your self this. Is my attraction what people are looking for. Many Haunters build haunted houses based on what they like or deem good. That's a HUGE mistake. You have to build an attraction on what your customers like.
Years ago i was talking about gore- gore- gore. In 2002, and 2003 when most Haunts would not have any in there haunted house. well how did that go- gore went crazy and is still going strong.
Now- Zombies , Zombies, Zombies, But lets face facts as well. Please don't go to Your local Halloween shop and get Halloween Props there. Face it . Those props belong on lawns not in a haunted attraction.
There's plenty of great looking zombies out there. Like our zombie horde zombies. Do you know we spend around 10 hours of detail work on every zombie face we make. Why? because THEY NEED TO LOOK REAL!
You pay for what you get in life. Buy 3 $200 zombies at the local Halloween prop shop, Well you got lawn props. Or you can go to Our site and at the right time get 2 Real dead zombies that will do the job over and over again.
Even our Budget Zombies look realer then any store bought items and go for 199.99 to 279.99
and will do great for our haunted house.
You can find more about our Halloween Props and Haunted House Props and Animatronics
so as i see it. All the Witches, Goblins, Ghouls, Vampires and Frankenstein are really out of fashion and not in tune with what people are looking for.
FYI- I hate clown's However we make some of the greatest looking clown props. Why? because people want clowns and so do Haunted Houses. Now it wouldn't be smart if i only build zombies and dead people because there's customers out there with 100% clown haunted Attractions. so that's why i may not like using clowns in a haunted house However i know people do so i make sure we have them for them Same Applies for your Attraction build attractions people want not what you think is good.
So if you notice a drop in your admissions maybe you should ask your self this. Is my attraction what people are looking for. Many Haunters build haunted houses based on what they like or deem good. That's a HUGE mistake. You have to build an attraction on what your customers like.
Years ago i was talking about gore- gore- gore. In 2002, and 2003 when most Haunts would not have any in there haunted house. well how did that go- gore went crazy and is still going strong.
Now- Zombies , Zombies, Zombies, But lets face facts as well. Please don't go to Your local Halloween shop and get Halloween Props there. Face it . Those props belong on lawns not in a haunted attraction.
There's plenty of great looking zombies out there. Like our zombie horde zombies. Do you know we spend around 10 hours of detail work on every zombie face we make. Why? because THEY NEED TO LOOK REAL!
You pay for what you get in life. Buy 3 $200 zombies at the local Halloween prop shop, Well you got lawn props. Or you can go to Our site and at the right time get 2 Real dead zombies that will do the job over and over again.
Even our Budget Zombies look realer then any store bought items and go for 199.99 to 279.99
and will do great for our haunted house.
You can find more about our Halloween Props and Haunted House Props and Animatronics
Sunday, November 6, 2011
As the Jack-0-lanterns get turned into pumpkin pie, The Hauntaholics put there masks and costumes away till next season. Next Season Starts now at One of the best ways for us to kick off 2012 is with the 2011 prop drop. This time of year you can get the same great looking props and even better prices. Hell there's nothing wrong with saving some bread. Some of the benefits to getting your props in novemeber - 1 THERE CHEAPER , 2 we can spend lots of time detailing up one prop instead of detailing up several at once.
Next season after 5 years of not raising prop prices we will have to raise some props up. Everything we use to make these great items has gone up over the past 5 years. Now we have to bring these items up Real soon. So NOW is the time and the last chance to get these extremely low prices before they are all gone for good.
The Prop Drop is on from Oct-25th to Nov 25th on
As well as on ebay.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Our New Budget Halloween Props are Easy on The Pocket Heavy on the Detail!
We at make lots of props for the Haunted House Industry, Movies, TV, however we never forget where we started making our Halloween Props. We started out making Zombies and Dead Props on ebay. We started there Many Many Years Ago. Sometime ago we really started pounding out high level props for Haunted Houses, Scream parks, Hayrides and more. However at that point we relized that we forgot about the Home Haunters and Yard Haunters. So we had an idea. Lets give them the best detail for the money at the Best price for the money. The Budget Line was born. The only thing budget about this line is that you dont get a full body. You get a prop that appears to have a body and is on a stand also you get the High Level Detail found on our more Expensive Halloween Props , Haunted house props.
So for this years Budget Line Up Here are some of the Newest Ones
Well Dwelling Wendy
Tear Full Tara Killer Doll
Mr Whitey Clown
You can see more Halloween Props and Budget Halloween Props on our site
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Starting A Haunted House On the Right Track by
Starting A Haunted House On the Right Track !
When starting out a Haunted Attarction. Besides finding a great loctaion. One Should consider a Budget for your attraction. What type of budget well let take a look and what a proper first year budget should look like.
Lets say you have $30,000 to spend bringing your attraction to life.
First off - Props
Now Great Looking Static Props Like our zombies or killers will save you money by reducing you Actor expenses. so that's a plus. One Static prop wont cut it. Most Haunted House Buy 6 or more per haunted house to fill up rooms. Having Filled rooms with great statics is a cost saver. Having to many Actors your first year can drain you cash flow for your attraction.
So out of the 30,000 i would lay $10,000 on Statics for your attarction We have Discount Haunted House Deals that can fill your entire Attraction .
Next - $7,000 on Wood, Paint, Senic design Props for sets , Etc,
Next $ 1000-3000 on Animatronics
Being that your a start up haunted house you should tend to stay clear of Expensive Animatronics. The More they cost you the more it sucks out of your Limited Budgets and will hurt you. Over time and years you can expand and get higher priced items. But for the first 3 years you should only buy animatronics that range 1000- 3000 at the highest. having highly detailed animatronics and great prices will keep your haunt looking competive and keep more money in your pocket.
The Next $10,000 Advertising
Ok you spent all this money on location, Props, Animatronics, Sets, DONT CHEAP OUT ON GETTING YOUR MESSAGE OUT THAT YOUR OPEN FOR BUSSINESS. Most first year hauts lose money because that think- you open up and BAM lines out the door. That doesnt happen. I know I know it will be diffrent your thinking. Its your haunted house your the greatest thing since sliced bread. Hate to brake it to you
Your not. Getting your message out will be the only thing that keeps your lines full.
First off - You have no Reputation yet. Meaning People dont know whats inside so until you get some people in your attraction NO ONES GONNA KNOW. Even then theres bigger haunts then you. With bigger budgets and they know how this game works. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. Think about this theres a little store down the road. some one goes in try's you and eats your food. Man best Steak i ever had they go home and tell some friends. There friends say Wow thanks for the tip i will try them next weekend. Now the week goes on theres, work all things that distract people from remebering anything . Now while driving from place to place there hear on the radio Steaks 2 for 1 this weekend only at the round up.( BIG CHAIN)
they hear that 5 or 6 times in two days. See it in an ad see it on the net when they visit there site.
Where do you think there going that weekend. TO THE ROUND UP. they forgot about the greatest steak down the road- dont be that litte steak place.
Jeremy D'alessandro
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
NEW ANIMATRONICS FOR THIS SEASON ARE MOVING FAST Presents New Electric Animatronic props announces its new Electric Animatronic Line for 2011. TheseAnimatronic Props need no air to make them move. Any simple 110 volt outlet can turn your home into a pro-haunted house in minutes. Currently there are 8 Animatronic Plug and Play props planned for 2011 and more on the way for 2012. Creepy Collection will expand their Animatronic props into their Zombie Horde, which if you may not know- has been rated as "the best zombie props ever!" This will be a perfect marriage for our props. We will be able to take our incredibly detailed zombie props, clowns, killers and give them movement that will be affordable for ALL haunters. In fact we even have sitting rocking props that are under 900.00 that are life size with great movement and custom sounds.
Whether you're a Pro-Haunter, Yard Haunter, or Halloween Lover, these animatronics will impress the most hardened customer, trick or treater, or friend. Now you wont find these at your local Halloween super store selling for $199.99, $299.99 or $399.99. We do not send these props to China, we build them here in the USA. So we can't sell for dirt cheap nor do we make anything cheap. Our props are built to last! If you buy ours it will last you 5-10 years. Whereas those cheap Halloween animatronics found in stores may last you a season- maybe 2. Then what do you have- an over-priced badly detailed static prop!
If you would like to see these props Live Please Visit
Or visit there youtube videos
Creepycollection's You Tube Channel
Whether you're a Pro-Haunter, Yard Haunter, or Halloween Lover, these animatronics will impress the most hardened customer, trick or treater, or friend. Now you wont find these at your local Halloween super store selling for $199.99, $299.99 or $399.99. We do not send these props to China, we build them here in the USA. So we can't sell for dirt cheap nor do we make anything cheap. Our props are built to last! If you buy ours it will last you 5-10 years. Whereas those cheap Halloween animatronics found in stores may last you a season- maybe 2. Then what do you have- an over-priced badly detailed static prop!
If you would like to see these props Live Please Visit
Or visit there youtube videos
Creepycollection's You Tube Channel Zombies Are Eating The Competion Zombies Are Eating The Competion Alive
Consider This, Zombie are everywhere as of right now. TV - the walking Dead on AMC number one show on cable, The CDC just released a report on How to Survive an Zombie Apocalypse, Zombie Comics, Zombie Books, Zombie Walks across the USA. So if your doing a Haunted House this is a Very good way to Catch the Huge Zombie wave and do a ZOMBIE HAUNTED HOUSE. Now you need a Few things. 1- A great location 2 Walls 3 Lots of old clothing. 4 Zombie Props.
Now offers there Zombie Horde line There Zombies have received so much praise of the years. The Most Realistic, The Most complete, Greatest Detail. Current They Have over 30 zombies to chose from that offer postionable. Arms, Hands, Fingers, Some of there zombies are Fully Position able meaning you can do whatever you can thing of Such as position there arms , hands, legs, fingers, feet and they can stand, sit, kneel, Aslo has Fully postioable hanging or sitting male or female zombies. Now there zombies can sit or hang and are life size and you can play with there arms and legs as you like
Creepycollection also offers Static ( non postionable zombies) These props are calledBudget Props
Because they are way cheaper then there bigger brother and sisters but still retain there detail.
Creepycollection also offers Animatronic Zombies from Air compression to Electric that have what you need for your Haunted House.
So if you in the market for Great Props that will Blow away your customers and your competitors then creepycollection is the place for you,
Also here is some reviews of creepycollection's zombies said
Now offers there Zombie Horde line There Zombies have received so much praise of the years. The Most Realistic, The Most complete, Greatest Detail. Current They Have over 30 zombies to chose from that offer postionable. Arms, Hands, Fingers, Some of there zombies are Fully Position able meaning you can do whatever you can thing of Such as position there arms , hands, legs, fingers, feet and they can stand, sit, kneel, Aslo has Fully postioable hanging or sitting male or female zombies. Now there zombies can sit or hang and are life size and you can play with there arms and legs as you like
Creepycollection also offers Static ( non postionable zombies) These props are calledBudget Props
Because they are way cheaper then there bigger brother and sisters but still retain there detail.
Creepycollection also offers Animatronic Zombies from Air compression to Electric that have what you need for your Haunted House.
So if you in the market for Great Props that will Blow away your customers and your competitors then creepycollection is the place for you,
Also here is some reviews of creepycollection's zombies said
We visited a lot of booths this year at the 16th Annual Transworld Haunt Show. While many of them had some great ideas & products, only a few that stood out with quality products I would want for my own haunted attraction. One of these vendors is “Creepy Collection”. I was so impressed with their products I came away with a large number of photos from their booth alone.
First I should say I am a huge zombie fan. I love zombie movies and have read dozens of zombie books.
I personally felt their zombie collection was by far the best I have seen. I have been going to the Transworld shows since 1996 and this collection to me was very original, scary, gory & bloody. The only thing missing was the smell to make it all to real. I found myself imagining them in a haunt, in the perfect location with just the right amount of lighting… gives me chills just thinking about it. While I touched mainly on their zombie collection, that does not mean the rest of their products were not just as great. They offer a slew of products from corpses, bodies & parts to dead animals and weapons.
If you are in the market for some very scary realistic looking props I would highly recommend you check out their website.
Did you know we make some of the Most sought after creepy dolls? offers the best in Deadly Doll Halloween props Offers dolls Deadly Dolls that rage from 18" to 24 " tall. They are extremely detailed and striking. We even have life size dolls that are 5 feet 7" tall. Some of the life Size Dolls are Fully Position able and some are even Animatronic props.
You could build an Entire Haunted Doll Factory with our dolls. The Response to our doll props have been stellar and we will even take it further in the near future. I see no end to the demand for our dolls and will surprise our customers a lot in 2012.
If you are in the Market for dolls either Static or Animatronic look no further
to fill your needs.
Our Frozen Bodies are ON FIRE THIS YEAR Halloween Props frozen bodies why are they so hot
Why are Haunted Houses buying up props frozen props for their Attractions?
Because many haunted houses all have , Bloody, Rotten, Zombies, Killers, Witches Etc, However in the past 2 years have Frozen Meat locker rooms started

Using frozen effects. Now makes lots of sense. If there going to kill them and eat them gotta keep them cold....
Using Our Frozen Props in a Room with a Snow machine, Fog Machine and An Air conditioner will seal the deal with realism in your attraction. i would also go further with a life- size walk threw Human Oven ( Smoke House) some where a few rooms away from the meat locker.
We have Bloody Bodies , Burnt Bodies and Frozen Bodiesthat will make your a
Remember - Kill em - Chill em and cook em up..Creepy Style
For more please visit us at
Monday, January 3, 2011
2011 Halloween Props Now in Production
Hello All,
We at are fast at work on what is sure to be the most anticaptiaded Halloween props
of 2011. We are rolling Out our New Serise 3 Zombie Horde for 2011. New Creepy Killers Line, Deadly Dolls, Gore Props, Animatronics, Evil Clowns, The Freaks, Dead Wall Hangers, and or exclusive Splatter parts..
You can still check out our 2010 Halloween Props right now and just so you know. We were Rated Best Halloween Props of 2010.. As well you can see our customer serivce right on our site and on ebay.
For updates please check back to our site at for 2011 pops
We at are fast at work on what is sure to be the most anticaptiaded Halloween props
of 2011. We are rolling Out our New Serise 3 Zombie Horde for 2011. New Creepy Killers Line, Deadly Dolls, Gore Props, Animatronics, Evil Clowns, The Freaks, Dead Wall Hangers, and or exclusive Splatter parts..
You can still check out our 2010 Halloween Props right now and just so you know. We were Rated Best Halloween Props of 2010.. As well you can see our customer serivce right on our site and on ebay.
For updates please check back to our site at for 2011 pops
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